Neolithic V.A.L.U.E.s

unfortunately cant tell for sure, but i think ill manage to be there for crystaline city

I will join the primal adventure

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Might Maybe join Resil Table with Crystal City

Better to bring lvl 7 or lvl 11? @Resil

The one who you will enjoy playing more. The party is avg lvl 8

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Last second :sweat_smile: Oaklig will join the tribe once more :smiley:


Since it appears most players from last time are busy with the crystalline city, Iā€™d prefer to play :slight_smile:

Could I please reserve a seat for @truecrawl at @Darthbinks Ā“ Prehistoric table? I think he forgot to write and I canĀ“t reach him at the moment to ask him

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Hello there, everybody! Itā€™s a chaotic day of malfunctioning electronics.

I would like to join the PRIMAL Adventure that Darthbinx DMs, please. My character took the Primal Flame last time, and I sure would like to run a marathon with it :smiley:

Doing the Downtime activity ā€œResearch the Primal Flameā€ to do my due diligence as well.


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could you re-run it? (or something else?)

(unless a lot of people are canceling last minute) we are missing a DM today

Iā€™ll be there for crystalline city

@Avallona @Stracci @timoteus2

could one of you DM today?
we are sadly short on DMs

(or we run two giant tables)

If today is to many players ill drop out to make space. Another long workday so chilling at home instead of dnd isnt the worst thing that could happen to me

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Sorry but I cant run something. Ill drop out this week to make space. Hopefully it can be worked out. There is always next week!

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@Arthilas @alexman90gg @Avallona @DieGio8002 (x2) @timoteus2

since we are short on DMs, maybe some of you could game at the Requisite ?
(our second location on FRs)

:point_right: REQUISITE
Krummgasse 1A 1030 Vienna, Austria

if you do so please tell us (as well as them^^)

No problem mate i will be able to Requisite its closer to me also :slight_smile: Well about DMing i am starting DMing online the premade Campaigns of DND 5e while i get some experience i will be able to DMing also but i need some time to print battlemaps etc and finish the 3 starter books of DND :slight_smile:

wont be able to join. still got a lil cold

art by Fuyuan Tee

@Atanen @BufoBufo @Istariel @ThatGuyTed @truecrawl

thanks for playing & sorry it took so long

You all gain +1 level up, +10 Downtime Days, +600 :meat_on_bone: rations, you can keep the spellscrolls you found, plus you gain ONE magic item from the following list:

Story Awards

  • :muscle: @ThatGuyTed became the leader of the :bear: Clan
  • :skull: the Skull Clan became a Minor Clan of your tribe
  • :skull_and_crossbones: @BufoBufo became the leader of the Skull Minor Clan
  • :orangutan: the :orangutan: Clan has no leader right now
  • :t_rex: the White Raptor Clan became a Minor Clan of your tribe
  • :t_rex: Hawkeye became the leader of the White Raptor Clan
  • :bird: the Proudhawk Clan became a Minor Clan of your tribe
  • :fox_face: you didnā€™t get tricked by Yana No-Tail, but she escaped
  • :snowman_with_snow: the son of the high-king of the frost giants agreed to peace
  • :sun_with_face: you chose to let Oga the Grasswalker use the Promordial Flame for her ritual

:chicken: ā€œPteranodon Ridingā€

prerequisite: having the prehistoric figurine of wondrous power: kyanite pteranodon item
:point_right: Your movement Speed to determine :paw_prints: Exploration Activities increases to 60 feet (flying).
:point_right: Your movement Speed to determine :paw_prints: Exploration Activities is reduced to 10 feet, while on the ground.
:point_right: You fail all Stealth checks when flying while travelling.
:point_right: You have disadvantage on checks and saving throws to stay on your mount, while flying.

ā€¦ next time T3 :partying_face:


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