Mini Campaign: 1-3 players wanted

Edit: we have enough people interested I think.

Hi there!


@BDave , @Saphira and I would like to start a mini campaign (4 sessions) on Wednesdays from October 9 through October 30. For this purpose we are looking for at least 1 but no more than 3 additional players. Please note that for now these are the only dates that would work.

What, when & where:

  • The setting will likely be my homebrew aquatic setting. We might reset at level 1 or start at level 2. I’d be DMing.
  • We will play “after work” (time tbd but ending no later than 10pm) at my apartment (1100 Wien - U1 Troststraße, tram O), except for one night when we will play somewhere else (spielbar or pickwicks, maybe). We will eat first (will need to decide if we order food or make it).
  • If you’re interested, please leave a message here.
  • If we don’t know who you are, please play a session at my table on Friday, Oct 4. That adventure will be unrelated to the setting we’re playing the mini-campaign in.
  • There will be no real session 0, but we’ll try to discuss rules and expectations either on a forum message thread or in discord beforehand.
  • I like stories that are relatable but likely a bit silly. Expect the campaign to reflect that.

Click on the blur below if you want more information about the setting. This is the information available to characters who participated in the game at VALUE last? week.

Setting information: This mini-mini-campaign will be set in the underwater region of the sister cities of Loi.

A brief history:

Hundreds of years ago, the tribes of the Deep Sea engaged in constant conflict fueled by a mutual desire to protect their waters and people. Sensing weakness, a group of religious merrous escalated conflict to what is now known as the Ancient War in an attempt to crown themselves Dep Sea Royalty. Many years of severe bloodshed and pain on all sides followed. Eventually, a wise and peace-loving dragon turtle- ironically threatening further destruction - finally managed to broker an alliance of the tribes against the merrows.

The merrow priests were defeated, and out of the alliance grew a union of sister cities that prospered in the peace and started providing free movement of creatures and goods while maintaining their individual societies. They did create a common city, Loi, named after the dragon turtle, and changed their city names to include Loi as a Suffix in honor of the great dragon turtle.

For water-dwellers, Loi is the gateway city to the lands of Faerun. For land-dwellers, Loi is a touristic safe-haven to start exploring the underwater. They have an embassy in Neverwinter. Whin the war ended, the alliances- known as the First Aquatic Council - met and decided that the a specific family would hold the title of Loi ambassador to Neverwinter until the alliance decided differently.

The Second Aquatic Council met several hundred years later, after a group of adventurers sent in by Sador 12 (the ambassador’s family chose to go by the name of Ambas Sador + number for practical reasons - land-dwellers really struggle with Aquatic names…) uncovered a Kuo-Toa plot to possibly? restart the Ancient War.

Known cities of Loi
Merloi: The largest of the settlements, the merfolk city stretches all the way down the Sword Coast. The merrow priests had converted many of the Merfolk to their uprising, so the people from here stand in strict opposition to any kind of religious practices. Their governemnt is a mystery to the sister cities.

Bulloi: This settlement is the smallest of the Loi, as the tribe that founded it swam deeper than was in its best interests, where dangerous living conditions often prematurely end the life-cycle of a Bullywogs that used to call this city their own. . They govern on a principle of consensus.

Kualoi: This city used to be home to the Kuo-Toa, and is set deep in an underwater care system. Because of its rather fortified& decentral position, it has long served as a safe haven for people& tribes that feared persecution. They elect a governor who serves a lifetime.

Liloi: this community is nestled in the ground of the ocean floor, building dwellings underneath large rocks, mainly in volcanic areas. They have an Alpha Lizard who may be challenged at any time to a leadership trial by combat.

Turloi: originally a city of turtlefolk, nowadays this down is known as the place to be if you value a quiet life without expectations of modern society. It’s a place to retreat and not worry too much. It is governed by a council of elders.

Elloi: While sea Elves consider themselves explorers of the deep, this is a nomadic city that provides space for community and companionship. They have no form of governing body, but make majority based decisions when necessary.

Loi: Loi was founded after the defeat of the merrowpriests and serves as gateway to the seas for land-dwellers. It’s a very touristic city with friendly people& lots of different species who mingle. The founding family is still in control of power and admired by all citizens and sister cities.


Hey there! I’d love to play and I don’t have lectures on Wednesday AFAIK, so I’m free! I don’t think I’ve played with any of you yet tho? (I’m very bad at remembering usernames) I hope that’s OK!

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Hi there! Awesome! It’s true, I don’t think we’ve met! Would you be available to essentially just test out group dynamics and see if you like my DMing on the Friday night I mentioned (I think Oct 4)? I’m a fairly new DM so it probably makes sense not just for me and dave and saphira to see if we kind of vibe, but also for you to see if you would enjoy playing…

Hi there! I would be really interested in joining! I should have time through most of Oktober and I believe i have played with both @BDave and @Saphira before! I would also love to join on okt4 for the tryout session:)


Yay, that’s so cool! :slight_smile: Perfect! See you on the… Bad with dates… 4th? Then :slight_smile:

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Heya! This sounds absolutely awesome, do you think I could give the Oct 4 game a try? i’m not super sure how busy i’ll be then so I don’t want to nab someone else’s spot:D but if all goes well I would love to give this a spin!

would be intrested to join if you will have me i only ran a single game for you a couple of weeks back i dont think i met the others

@Polaris @blueblaze awesome! I think that makes for a full “test table” on the friday (oct 4) please try to be at value and play with me then :slight_smile: I would guess we’re all set with that, then. Looking forward to it! The “lighthouse adventure” will be a T1. For the aquatic setting if anyone wants to start thinking about characters, you can play a normal character or an underrwater character, but if you’re going for something not “standard” please send me your sources for the character creation, because I don’t know most of the stuff :slight_smile:


Hey, I’m so sorry, I hope this is still open and I’m not too late, I didn’t get any notification at all from the forum for a bit there. 4th would work great. That’s in the 15th right?

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I have been playing at Requisite in the third rather than wowkeepers in the 15th recently, but would see who has more space that day :slight_smile:

I called dibs in person but so that the others also know: I’ll be joining you

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OK, both work, just as long as we know where I guess

Uhh I totally missed out on this! :man_facepalming:t3: I was telling my gf (you know her too, we played together at xaosseed’s table together) about the one underwater setting you DM-ed, where I played with my sea elf. She was interested. Is it still on or is anything planned?

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I think I remember her! Our campaign is ending tomorrow and I think I can’t make time for more campaigns. I might be DMing a module soon at VALUE, on a hop on hop off basis, if we have interest. The description is already in the requisite thread for this week. While it’s not underwater,

Spoiler alert adventure 3! Click if you want to know


Some of it takes place on a ship.

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