[Looking for Players] DnD Campaign on Friday: Bloomburrow/Humblewood

Heya, I am planning to do a campaign on VALUE Fridays but which are outside the VALUE system (mostly because homebrew). Mostly because I am often at the meetings and would like to run a campaign, there

The DM: The DM will be me, Bufo (Sophie 27f). I have been playing for almost 5 years now and dmed for 4 and a half. I have a few Mini-campaigns and currently running 2 biweekly campaigns. I enjoy roleplay and crafting interesting environments for the players. If you want to meet me, look for a VALUE Friday event, as I am often there.

  • The Time: Friday Biweekly, from 19-~23:00 depending on progress.
  • The Location: Either WOWkeepers or a players place. I sadly can’t offer my place.
  • How many players? 4-5
  • Language English


The Setting The setting will be a mix of the settings of Bloomburrow (from MtG) and Humblewood. It deals with anthropomorphic animals (such as squirrels, frogs, rabbits, bats, racoons, and several birdfolk) in a forest/region called Valley. A temperate region filled with magic. Because of that species/races such as dwarves, elves and humans are not allowed. Rather there will be many homebrew animalfolk species for you to choose, from both the Humblewood book as well from homebrew from Bloomburrow.

The people of Valley get along most of the time, the rabbitfolk farm, the frogfolk forsee and the batfolk watch the stars. However all is not always well in Valley. The region is marked by great elemental beasts, the so called Calamity beasts. They could be minor ones such as the Rotmouth Viper, a manifestation of decay, to the great elk Beza, the embodiment of spring itself. image

What I’m looking for

  • This is not first come first serve
  • I will make a test session on a VALUE Friday or some other day, to see if we are compatible
  • Must be LGBTQ friendly
  • Open and reliable communication
  • Player unity
  • New players are welcome
  • We will do a personal session 0 and perhaps a call before that to see how you and your character will fit

If you are interested you can contact me:

  • Here on the Post
  • Via DMs
  • On Discord (I am BufoBufo there too)

Some more info about the setting (you don’t have to read/watch it):

  • The Bloomburrow Trailer (Cute and shows the feel quite well)
  • Planeswalkers Guide to Bloomburrow 1,2,3

General Notes

  • At first I will run a small adventure starting from level 1 going to 6, then we look further.
  • The setting is more inspired by Bloomburrow but I use things from humblewood as well.
  • There are no planeswalkers or outsiders.
  • The game will start around middle October with a break around November because exams
  • Happy to have beginners as well

:green_heart: would be interested :+1:

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Me too! I hope I can make it. Would probably like to play something squirrelly if possible :grin:

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Also interested!

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That is a really cool setting. Watched the trailer, looks so comfy cozy + adventure on top. Mouse Spell Blades, Spirit of the Woods, Frog Wizard :blush:

def interested :slight_smile:

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This looks cool as hell! Im definitely interested!:slight_smile:

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Looks good, unless many others post we can schedule a session 0 and I can send you the information and house rules

Note: Closing the Post

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