Looking for a DM

Hello everyone,

My friends and I are looking for a DM of DnD5e for 4 players.

We offer: a place (1040 Wien) lots of Snacks great newbies (we’ve all played at least once) 5 euros from each player

We want: a fun and open minded DM good mix of combat, puzzles and roleplay

Playtime would be once a month, on a Friday at 9pm.

Happy to hear from you <3 If you have any questions, do ask :slight_smile:



Hihi! I’m quite new to Vienna (moved here one month ago) but I’m also in 1040…would love to DM for a small group like yours! I already DM some one shots, the dragon of Icespire peak and just before I left Italy I was running a campaign in the Icewindale setting! I normally like to make the session with a good mix of combat and puzzles and characters interaction:) let me know if you have some questions, and if you already have any idea for the settings. I would like to DM for free (don’t like to take money ahah) and would be great to maybe have a session zero to know each other, understand what you would like to play and how and how I could do so:)


Hey Matteo,

I’ll send you a private message


Hello! Me too in 1040 hehe is there a space to join? I can also do DM from time to time (no need of the 5€ tho) but could be fun. I am looking for a group to be a player and an occasional DM