Looking for 4 players to join homebrew Campaign

Hello everyone :smiley: I am looking for 4 players to join a campaign in my homebrew setting. Tarragos is a continent ruled by Dragon Gods (some of which hold very prominent roles in society) ever since the Draco-Divine War a couple of centuries ago. Just before the campaign starts, the Dragon Goddess of Death has supposedly been murdered by her own high priestess. As the chaos unfolds, the party will find itself at the heart of a world grappling with the consequences of this event.

Sounds interesting ? Then you can find all the information you might need here: https://app.roll20.net/…/the-truth-of-dragons-starting…

As I probably will move to the UK soon, this might just be an online campaign, but let’s see how things go. If you are interested in joining or have questions either post on Roll 20 (not where we are gonna play) or send me a message here ! :smiley: