Lancer test session

Hey, I (late 20-something, she/her) would be very interested in joining too! I usually gm various different systems and lancer is on my list to try out (i even preordered the reprint that releases in june, but i don’t know much more than the basic premise)

i have time on the 13th only (maaybe 27th, depending on a game doodle, edit: 27th works too!) though, so if that’s too restrictive with other people’s schedules i’m fine with missing out, i know how hard scheduling is :sweat_smile:

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24, he/him would love to join. Been a DM trying a bunch of different systems for a long while and super intrigued about Lancer. I’ve taken a look at it a couple times already and plan on eventually running it myself.

I can do any saturday in April except the 20th, which is my birthday xD. on the 6th I would only have time 20:00 and later in the evening since i am arriving back in vienna at 18:50

I think I can make the 13th work, but I really would need a suggestion for a good place to go to, I am new in Vienna :slight_smile:

Also I am kind of new to gm-ing, I hope you veterans can give me feedback :wink:

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Hi, 25 (he/him), would also be curious to try this out, not familiar with mech staff as of now so sounds like a good 4 hours to dive into for the first time. Saturdays work for me after 16:30 -17:00 depending on where is the location☺️

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There is a bar called “Paradice” really nice boardgame bar that also hosts Rpg events every once in a while. 5€ entry fee, but they got decently sized tables if scheduled in advance and the food and drinks are pretty normally priced.

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also check out this: List of DnD friendly places in Vienna


personally i really like paradice, sometimes it can get loud there though (not excessively, but you notice). but that might be the case for most of these places on a saturday.

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If it’s cool, I will then arrange for 13/04, starting at 17:00 at Paradice. You can contact me for question and other things on Discord, I’m on the server as FrankRei

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works for me! i usually write into their reservation text box we’ll be playing a ttrpg and ask if it’s possible to get the big table, that usually works well ^^

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also i’m very much looking forward to it, thanks for offering to gm! :partying_face:

Hope to do a decent enough job!

i’m sure it will be fun, every GM has started at some point ^^

out of curiousity, will you be bringing premade characters or will we make our own? i’m fine with either

I probably will prepare some, but you can use COMP/CON to make your own. We will have a very easy premise since we’re all starting out (space adventurers meeting in a space tavern kind of thing)

awesome :+1: oh btw, i don’t know if paradice has wifi, but worst case i can provide a hotspot for anyone without internet, a have multiple GB remaining every month anyways unlimited internet

Noice. Sounds good then. Looking forward to it. I’d love to try my own character and also, could you maybe give a mission premise of some sort before the date? That’d be great.

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Please help yourselves to this reference resource also with some excellent cheat sheets, which I will also bring to the sessio

how much of the rules do you want us to know beforehand? :slight_smile:

I believe in learning by doing anyway :slight_smile:

If you have the time to make your own character and skim through we should be good to go

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will do :+1: do you have a starting point for character creation, like a shared background or teaser for the mission? is a pilot assumed to be military-ish or can it be a private/personal thing? on a scale from goofy to serious, where should a character be (or not be)?

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I’ll send everyone a DM once my ideas are clearer. In general, as long as your character is fine to work with a team, at least for a common goal, we can make it work

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