Invitations now open for the GM Supergroup!

Hi all! So for the last 10ish months or so, the GM supergroup (including @xaosseed @Aviron @BenjiBananas and the one and only @DerHimbeerkuchen) have been meeting to play one-shots of whatever we want for other GMs (and running playtests for other indie game designers). So far we’ve played Mothership, Mork Borg, Royal Blood, Star Trek Klingon, and 10 Candles.

We’re now expanding our little group to include additional GMs and game designers (and would-like-to-be GMs). If you’re interested, please post below and we’ll get back to you!


that sounds lovely

count me in^^

ran Klingon recently myself (using the 2E rules)

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Sounds Great. I would love to join if I got time

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Not so much a GM as i am interested in Playtesting and playing with new mechanics and settings. Whens the date?

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I’m a game designer, game design podcaster and GM! I’d love to join in if you’ll have me :slight_smile:

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i would like to join am dming a bunch and am aspiring for game design XD

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We organize the dates based on availability!

So like … Mike & the Mechanics?

OK, I’m curious. Is this group mainly to give constant DMs a chance to play? Or is it focused on playtesting? Or trying new games? A secretive cult?

(Fingers crossed for ‘cult’.)


I mean, technically it’s a public cult.

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When would this be? I’m up for it! Especially as I have systems to test…

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