Indie Game of the Month

Another question: What if, say, the arcanum added to the deck at the beginning of the evening is holy for one player, and neutral or opposed for the others. Wouldn’t that push the group toward having one player make as many draws as possible while the others hang in the background?

Possibly, yes. I would not like to play like this during an evening, therfore as a player, I would perhaps take the risk & try to play instead… After all, drawing an opposed arcane is not dying : you loose one tenacity point and fail the test… anyone can fail a test too.

There is also two solutions :

  1. You may discard your personal arcane you cancel the drawed opposed arcane, thus not suffering the tenacity point loss & the fail consequence… but you won’t be able to use it later.
  2. Is you have no personal arcane anymore, you may pay 2 tenacity point to take a drawed arcane as you personal arcane: then, you may avoid further problems with this arcane. The arcane you payed to take in your hand is then replaced by a new one, drawed from the arcane pool available…

Agreed. But it does set up a situation where drawing cards is good for one person and bad for everybody else for an entire evening, and I’m wondering what the point of that is.

Anyway, just a minor quibble. Really looking forward to playing tonight!

Yes, it is said to represent the way you react to various draconic influences… seems to me it’s an unavoidable consequence of the arcane system. We also had when I played it some players with a personal arcane which is… the opposed one of one other character. Since the Blades play as a team, it becomes some sort of a discussion to decide wether or not to use the Arcane in some situations… these discussions were quite funny :wink: