Increase the V.A.L.U.E. of a Number by Shouting! (6 = 6 ... 6! = 720)

Gotta cancel :disappointed: Forgot about a birthday party I got invited to
 Was really looking forward, after not playing at a table for a looooong time. Till next time fellow gamers!

I will be there to DM a oneshot called:
“Do you mind?”
if not I will play t1 :slight_smile:

Will join as a player lvl1 or 3. :slight_smile:

I’ll join again playing T1

I’d also like to join again with a T1 character :slight_smile:

Hello Everybody! I would like to join one of the adventures as a level 1 Hexblade/Warlock

Blast will be there to return to the Age of Worms. :ok_hand:

I would join, with lvl3 Paladin Signore Armand van de Lande, and continue from last week.


:brain: :worm:

-cat4laugh (T1; Do you mind? :brain:)
-Darthbinks (T1; Age of Worms 02: The Three Faces of Evil; :worm:)
-fridi (T1; :+1:)

players :brain:
-grudm (T1 :brain:)

players :worm:
-BufoBufo (T1; :worm:)
-PatrickD (T1; :worm:)
-ThatGuyTed (T1; :worm:)
-Tokrak (T1; :worm:)

players, other:
-0815Popo (T1)
-Emma (T1)
-joeder (T1)
-Martin (T1)
-Mexicorn (T1)
-Semako (T1; wants to play :worm: if possible)
-Valdemar (T1)

we will prolly have 3 tables (all T1) with with 4 players each

:brain: :worm:

see you soon :slight_smile:

I can prepare a T1 adventure for the evening

1 Like

perfect :+1:

thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I can’t join you this evening for the age of worms
 life somehow got in the way :frowning:
Make sure Foxton’s death was not in vain :smiley:

it wasn’t :slight_smile:

you can join next time as a level 5 character!

I will be 10 min late

@BufoBufo @PatrickD @ThatGuyTed @Tokrak

thanks for playing, surviving and almost dying in 

:worm: The Three Faces of Evil

your characters all got 160gp
as well as leatherworker’s tools (5lb.) and hempen rope (50 feet) (10lb.)

 after that @PatrickD’s character looses 200gp he spent for the stranded airship pirates

the item you found, and everyone can pick up was

:worm: Living Gloves

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

These symbiotic gloves—made of thin chitin and sinew—pulse with a life of their own. To attune to them, you must wear them for the entire attunement period, during which the gloves bond with your skin.
While attuned to these gloves, you gain ONE of the following proficiencies (your choice when you attune to the gloves):

  • Sleight of Hand
  • Thieves’ tools
  • One kind of artisan’s tools of your choice
  • One kind of musical instrument of your choice

When you make an ability check using the chosen proficiency, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Symbiotic Nature.
The gloves can’t be removed from you while you’re attuned to them, and you can’t voluntarily end your attunement to them. If you’re targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the gloves ends, and they can be removed.

:worm: New Homebrew Story Awards

Monsieur Armand (by @Tokrak) gains :point_down:

“Gift” of Chaos & Change

Offering to the Sovereign of Chaos and Change of the Dark Six left you feeling spiritual dirty 
 especially being a Devotion Paladin of the Sovereign of Strength & Steel.
Will this blessing haunt, harm or help you 

Once the dm may force you to re-roll one die roll.

You must accept the result of the re-roll (so e.g. may not use something else to change the re-rolled outcome).
Should the original roll be with advantage/disadvantage, the re-roll would also be with advantage/disadvantage.

Hewguard (by @PatrickD) gains :point_down:

Air-Pirate Buddy

You befriended a group of stranded air pirates and helped them repairing their ship.

When you need to, you and your adventuring companions can secure free passage on this airship.
Also you gain Advantage on Persuasion (Charisma) checks to influence this group of pirates positively.

Hewguard (by @PatrickD) as well as Blast (by @ThatGuyTed) gain :point_down:

Marked by Worms

You gain the Aberrant Dragonmark Feat for free!

  • the cantrip must be infestation
  • you could choose the 1st level sorcerer spell freely, but it should be something offensive
  • you can choose your Aberrant Dragonmark Flaw freely
  • it looks like this :point_up:
  • This maybe has consequences in the future :angel:

please keep in mind, that these Homebrew Story Awards only work at my table

What, like Profanity Blast? (Lvl. 6 Evocation)

I can see where that might come in handy 


I wrote 1st level sorcerer spell 
 6th would be far to high

so something like Summon Fanfiction (Lvl. 1 Conjuration) would be fine :wink:



:bug: Hidden Notes & Clues

:bug: Story Awards

Darn those 5th ed rules minutiae! :b

(Also love the ideas in the homebrew story rewards.)

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