Hello there!

I’m not a general, but a librarian.

Found this forum by happenstance and since I’ve been forever-DMing for some time now, I might occassionally join in a game (: Hope there’ll be T1 session sometime soon!

The VALUE system sounds fun, I’m excited to see how the friday sessions play out and to meet some of you. Is there anything I need to know?

All the best, not Kenobi


Welcome :slight_smile: just read through the information listed at the top of any post entitled “Value”, show up, and have fun :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum! Like Katnyx said, it’s easiest to just read through the VALUE threads to see what’s gonna go on. As for what else you need to know, the VALUE games still use 2014 rules currently, and the rest is explained at the rules I believe. Just show up and have some fun!

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Thanks for the welcome (: read those already, love the level up system!

I’l probably join any T1 adventure on 11th should there be one, but I’ll post that on the game thread again.

See you soon.


The are also open games on Saturdays.

I currently run the beginnings of dungeon of the mad mage without value rules. (2 sessions in) As a hop on hop off campaign.

Other Saturday games at Sägewerk usually follow the value rules.


Thanks for the info! Are the saturday games not on the schedule in the “arrange game” thread?

I only saw two games on friday there.

They are but this week’s thread doesn’t have VALUE in the title.

This week’s thread is here

Saturday games are a bit less reliable. Usually it’s one table, sometimes two; and sometimes it doesn’t happen.

Ah my mistake then, sorry.

Any general rules for the non-VALUE games or does that depend on the specific group?

Sorry for all the questions to which answers are probably in the top most topics. The mobile version is not very intuitive for me (':

Hey questions are what the forum’s here for! And it gets REALLY confusing when you log on from a new device when you’re not logged in and suddenly everything looks different.

But no, no specic rules, just kind of depends on the DM and what’s being run.

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My table is currently running dungeon of the mad mage. I base it on experience leveling and powerful magic items are a bit harder to come by than on value table.

But it you show up with value character I/we will find a way that everyone can play

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Can’t make it on saturday, unfortunately.

Also DOTMM is a mega dungeon, right? I’d rather play some one shots first, just to get the hang of how things flow here.

Don’t want to be the guy that can’t properly commit, when there’s an actual campaign ongoing.

Thanks for the invite, although I’m brand new here! (: