Fun(gal) V.A.L.U.E

flexible - 16/17 lv Sorlock, L20 Evoker or Artillerist

I can definitely DM a tier 1 but weā€™d need one additional player

Iā€™m happy with whoever would DM, but letā€™s hope thereā€™s one more person showing up

Coming for the crystalline city dming. Ill try to be earlier, but most likely will just be on time.

I meanā€¦I could make it to your T1 session. Do you accept Thief Rogues?


Itā€™s an inclusive space ^^

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I once again plan on showing up, think Iā€™ll probably just bring a character of every tier, and might have a small something low Tier (T1 maybe 2) to run in case we need more dms

What about ostentatious cats though? :upside_down_face: If so, I have it on excellent authority that one particular feline is highly sympathetic to the idea of gracing the worlds with his presence come Friday :cat2:


You can count me in, if you donā€˜t mind

Me and +1 would be there to play T1 if there is still space left for 2 people


seems to be pretty full
edit:ā€¦ we might take up to +1 more

ā€¦:cat2: & :sun_with_face: likely have to split tables anyway (or :supervillain: dms)

thanks :slight_smile: :point_down: @alli.b

Cat & I can always split and each have a tableā€¦ so unless itā€™s an amount of tables issue. it should work.

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ugh ā€¦ just got ā€œinvitedā€ to a meeting tomorrow afternoon ā€¦ so probably wonā€™t make it after all :frowning:


Itā€™s usually more of a chair issue thoughā€¦

would like to join your table with a fresh T1 character :slightly_smiling_face: if there is a free spot left


Beauty in distress :smiling_face_with_tear: Can anyone help me level up Wee (Deep Gnome Druid) before the game today? :pray:t2:

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Sure, Iā€™ll try to be there a bit early!

Iā€™ve playedā€¦ many druids :sweat_smile:

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I will be there early as well. Canā€™t imagine getting a better help with druids than asking @Vishous

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Iā€™ve playedā€¦ many druids :sweat_smile:

Not sure if serious orā€¦ :grin:

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