Fully Booked - Spire One-shot - Recruit the Saint! (Saturday July 29th from 1 pm to 5 pm)

Hello RPGers!

After the success of the first Spire one-shot, I am looking to run a second one at the end of the month.

In this scenario, a drow saint has appeared on the streets of Spire, carrying out healing and resurrection miracles, creating a devoted set of followers/worshippers. It will be your task to track down and recruit this new saint into the resistance before the authorities find her or a group of counter worshippers sacrifice her to their god!

Let me know if you’re interested! I know there were some from before who showed interest who couldn’t make the last session; @squid @DerHimbeerkuchen @Bwg1972.

As with my last post, I have attached all the materials needed to create a character from the choice of 15 classes. These characters have resistances (Blood, Mind, Silver, Reputation and Shadow) that can be impacted in the game instead of hit points. You should start with the Spire Characters file first if you would like to create a character, as it gives all the necessary approach directions.
Spire_Characters-compressed.pdf (1.6 MB)
Spire_Character Sheet.pdf (338.1 KB)
Spire_Blood Witch-compressed.pdf (880.6 KB)
Strata_Characters.pdf (753.4 KB)
Sin_Characters-compressed.pdf (2.3 MB)

edit by @Darthbinks: re-added the date & time

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sadly i have a thing after 3pm :frowning: but thanks for the ping!

Hi Kergy,
I also could not make it last time but this time I am available. I already played once with @squid as a DM and also played Heart a few times with him.
I would be happy if you have me :slight_smile: So count me in.
Also it would be great to have @squid as a player for once :wink:

I would love to join the game, but unfortunately I’ll be in Germany that week.

@svn I will be very happy to have you at the table! Do you already have a character shape in mind?

Hi all, might have one or two more possible coming as well but not confirmed yet! So still 2-4 spaces left!

Hi, I have not thought about it but I will let you know beforehand.
I will also ask around, maybe I find some suitable players :slight_smile:

Come one, come some! Just two weeks to go until this next one-shot!

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I now have two more for the session, so just 2 Seats open! Let me know when you have your character ideas - I just need to know their name, class, durance (background) and two low advances.

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Just a few more days, anyone else wants to join?

Sounds interesting, but I dont see a date and time in the post?

Hmm you are right, but there was a date at some point somewhere…
Anyways, The game is on Saturday July 29th from 1 pm to 5 pm.

those got lost in a recent Forum-update
just re-added them to this thread :+1:

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Thank you both for fixing it! Just 4 days to go!

Anithing I should read first to prepare?

What System is this based on?

It is not necessary to read that much in preparation for the session, just the character creation materials to prepare a new character. If you’d like to read a little on the setting, the Rowan, Rook and Decard website has a brief intro: Spire RPG - Rowan, Rook and Decard

Spire uses the Resistance Toolbox system of 5 resistances: Blood (for bodily health), Mind (for mental health), Reputation (for social standing), Silver (for relative wealth) and Shadow (for keeping operations secret).

With the 3 players already signed up, we have an Idol, an Azurite and a Firebrand!

Are you interested to join, @Otschi?

I ran the last session at Pickwick’s - I would aim to go there again on Saturday if there are no objections? @svn @Tea007


Hey, I am a newbie and new to the forum but I would love to join if you and others dont mind a complete beginner

Hi Nat1! It’s absolutely fine to be a new joiner - Spire is new for most people. All I need is a character sheet this week before we meet on Saturday :). Would you like to join?

Great, will make one in the coming days, where do I send it to you?