DnD 5E yet another group

Ooh, Im excited. Havent participated as a player in maybe 8 years…

well dont get too excited, i probably suck :smiley:

Noone sucks at DnD. There are only dicks, or not dicks. If you aren’t a dick, then you are a good player. :slight_smile:

For characters, if everybody is ok with preparing one ahead of time, we still need to know wether we are supposed to use point buy or rolls, and we should probably discuss who wants to fill what kind of role (i would prefer to fill an offensive caster roll this time, either a warlock, a sorcerer or a bladesinger wizard, but i’m willing to be a tanky or healy kind of character if we need it)

i personally like to roll for attributes as it makes fun new characters, but since i am not a player i dont realy care.
but you should all do the same, so maybe you vote about it

i’m good with either, but if we roll, maybe we should wait with attributes until we meet (everything else can be prepared beforehand though :smile: )

There’s two votes for rolling on the WhatsApp discussion. Me being one of them.

That’s exactly right. Wheaton’s law is the only true rule for gaming.

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