DM looking for a group

Hello, I’m a new DM looking for a group to play 5e DnD

I’m 28 and ideally would like the group age to be around 20 - 35, with a mix of male and female players if possible. But I mainly just wish to find 4 motivated and nice people to play with.

I’m always free on sundays. Would like to play 1-2 times a month. I speak english and german fluently and can do both languages for a campaign.

I’d like to play close to the district 1030. I can’t host myself as my apartment is small and doesn’t have a table.

I like to RP a lot and build stories around interesting NPCs. My last Sessions focused on a murder mystery.


If you want to check out who is about, come along to one of the Friday or Saturday open sessions and either play or run.

You could run some one-shots to get to meet folk before diving into a full on campaign - we have gotten good mileage out of Pickwicks and Kolar daytime on Sundays.

Hey there, 27M 1030 resident here :slight_smile: If you haven’t yet filled all your slots, I’d love to play again (currently DMing a couple campaigns.

Heya there, I’m 22 nonbinary bean who’d love to join, if you’ve still got open slots! I live in 1140 unfortunately, so I can’t offer my own place to play at (also for other reasons), but I’d be really happy to join since I haven’t played a campaign yet

Hi, I d also be interested in joining a campaign ^^

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Can vouch that @watermelon is a great player to have! :smiling_face:


hey, I’m 20 and a new player, I would love to play if you’re still looking for people

Hey, M 23 here. Never played before but have been interested in learning and trying it out. Would love to join if seat are available and you ok with a noob

Sent you a PM!