D&D is totally occult. Just like yoga!

Not what I was expecting to see while reading the news yesterday:

“… examples of occult activity that includes yoga and playing Dungeons & Dragons.”

(Guardian article referencing a handbook used by a charity organization; not the writer’s opinion. Weird to see that this stuff is still around. Happened to notice it while waiting for my tongue of newt to boil …)

So you want to say, we, the righteous heroes fighting and smiting evil cultists actually are cultists?

Petition to rename DnD: “Cultists - Civil War”

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I feel like that’s a stretch.


wait you’re telling me it is not normal to start your sessions by folding the party into a penta-/hexa-/heptagram (depending on group size)?

I have been doing it all wrong my whole life!

Dungeons and dragons 5e doesn’t even have occultism…I think they meant pf.

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Are you sure didnt misread The Onion as Guardian right?