Call of Cthulhu - One Shot

I’m going to host a Call of Cthulhu one shot next week. The scenario is beginner friendly, so it’s a good place to start for anyone who would like to give the system a try.

Where? Probably at Spielbar, on account that I don’t know many other places. But I’m open for suggestions.

When? Thursday, February 6th. 7:00 pm.

How many players? I’m looking for 3-4 players.

Pre-gen characters? There are ten pre-generated characters, so plenty to choose from.

What do you need? You will mostly need a d100, other dice can be needed but not as often. A standard set of dice is enough, if you have none I’ll bring some you can borrow. Pen and paper for notes might also be a good idea.

Any more questions? Just ask here.

I hope to see a few of you next week at the game.


Hi! I am fan of the mythos and have seen games before. Really keen to play. Count me in!

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I’ve never played the system but have always been interested, so if there’s space, please count me in. :blush:

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Ill swing by then to see what this is about

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If there’s space, I’d love to attend!

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Certainly :slight_smile:

We’ve now 5 players, one more than I was looking for, which is still fine.

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Then I’ll gladly attend.

Alright, I’ve reserved a table for us for 19:00 at Spielbar (Lederergasse 26). I’ll be there a bit earlier to claim the table.

I’ll hand out the characters to choose from as soon as somebody shows up. So who arrives early, or on time, has more to choose from. When everybody is there I’ll give a quick introduction to the rules, and then we’ll start.

If you can’t make it, or are delayed, please write a message so we know how long to wait.


I’m so sorry for the short notice but I’ll have to cancel since I’m feeling under the weather and don’t want to spread any germs. :slightly_frowning_face:

Have fun and in case there’ll be another one shot some day, please count me in!

No problem. Get well soon.

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It seems i cannot make it today. I hope youll host again when im available. Have fun gents!

No problem.

@krakentoa, @AardvarkBat, @Mexikorn Just checking in, are you still coming?

Oh, I was under the impression that your game was full? No sorry I’m not coming. I really need today to myself. Though the interest is genuine

There would still have been space, but no problem. Have a nice evening.

Since we’d be down to two players, I’ll cancel todays game. I’ll reschedule in the future.

FYI @krakentoa @AardvarkBat

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I’ll be alert!

Since I’m already on the bus to Wien, I wonder if we can maybe get a last minute player?

Not that short notice, I’m afraid.

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I’m here already! Sorry, I hadn’t checked in lately. Which table is it?

Wait, I just saw this post. I feel stupid. Sorry!