Call of Cthulhu one-shot

Ok, I’ll need to buy more talky time on the phone first, but I’ll try.

Is it also ok if I try to make it earlier, hopefully not too late after 11ish?

Anybody interested in board games instead?

I was also down this week, migraine at first but also a cold to make it worse.

You know, a cold might be what got me, too… extending the damned thing. I know for a while there I had a lovely sinus headache overlapping with the migraine ebb and flow… but that’s why I brought Benadryl back from the US.

Simon… Don’t buy more minutes just to text me. 11 sounds good, I will see you then!

Well, I’ll need to buy them damn minutes anyway. But my plan (well, my expectations) was to hurry and arrive late at the store anyway, and to have to stop on the way back to buy the phony thingy…

Anyway, I’ll try to be at P.H not too long after 11h00 and, sure, if somebody is insterested in board gaming instead, I am up for it…

Also; I too had migraine all day today… Might be something in the air…

We may join you for Free RPG day (had to look that up - am still slightly puzzled, but curious)


I don’t know what time I’ll be able to make it, actually. I have been recruited to do a bit of animal husbandry tomorrow morning. Hopefully, it should be finished early enough, but I have just no way to be sure…

I can give Shioban a call on my way to PH (yeah, I can haz talky times now!) but it might be better if you guys go without me while the dew is on the field and the goodies are still roaming bountifully…

hey, is anyone still up for board gaming?

today, that is :slight_smile:

Well, I just made it home from PH and I believe both Shioban and Phillip are busy this afternoon.
But, it is can happen, sure, why not…

Well I’m heading to the Vienna Pride now but evening would be fine for me, if anyone else is interested.

Why not, but where?

Café Sperlhof, if nobody comes up with a different possibilty.

So, we say café Sperlhof at 7h30?

I’ll be there. I have Catan and Army vs. Aliens with me.

Well, Shioban is not going to make it. And I am feeling lazy, so I guess we will have to postpone this for late. MAybe some time next week…

Ok, but I can only do weekends and Saturday is our RPG round.

Yep, yep. Really looking forward to it, actually…