Call of Cthulhu on Thursday

So far, I saw no topic for this thursday, so I offer to run a CoC one shot. It will be my first time running this game, but everyone has to start somewhere. The scenario is “The Haunting”. I will bring pre made charakters. Having 3-5 players would be good.
Spielbar is the place.
Who would be interested in joining?


Count me in :slight_smile:

I could be in, Im 90 % sure.

I’m in

I’ll try my best to make it.

Me too!

Yes, please! I haven’t been a helpless investigator for a long time!


Good to hear!
Yes, I will bring pre gens (with light backstory to give them a reason to be there).

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I’m the 6th player to ask to sign up. I’ll turn up and if all 5 out of 5 show up I can just leave, but here’s hoping I can stay!

Please feel free to join! 6 players might be a little harder, but I willing to try it. Plus you know the CoC system, so having you at the table could be to my benefit.

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I’ll help out whenever you need me!

A place for a 7th player is not really feasible, right? :sweat_smile:

I‘m totally new to CoC…

We will manage. Luckely i have 7 pre made Charakters. You dont have to worry i am also very new to CoC.

Be there in 45 mins. Start without me:)

I am just about ready to leave work (I didn’t realise that the game was early this week).
But you guys already have an extra full roster anyway, so I’ll just skip this one.

Have fun!

Wair, 6 o’clock? Yikes!

On way, be there in 20 …

No Problem. So far 2 people are here and i am not pressed for time.

Thank you guys for an awesome evening.
Just know this, dear old doctor will not stay in the sanitarium for long!

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Please no, the lord may have mercy on our souls :latin_cross: