Board Games!

After hearing a bit about Arkham Horror and seeing the German version in Planet Harry I decided to check it out. Read a few reviews online and priced up the English version. Around 60 Euros was the best I could find…which was a little steep.

So, I checked (I’ve bought a few things on there in the past and it’s a great site) surprisingly someone in Ottakring was selling the English version for 30 Euros and I went to pick it up today. Complete and like new. Bargain!

Alissa and I are gonna give it a shot once I’ve got my head round how it plays. (The Hobbit it pretty good too!)

So, what board games are you playing at the moment?

We should definitely play some boardgames, though best over a weekend afternoon.

I certainly liked Android, took ages to set up, a lot longer to comprehend, but it was fun, and will be a lot clearer when you play it a second time.

I bought Locke & Key: The Game, which is a card game based upon a comic book series, but I didn’t have a chance to play it yet. AmLash also wants to play it and we might play before the Friday RPG session, depending if he still has time and others wanna play as well.

Good choice with Arkham Horror. A friend of mine has it with most of the expansions. It’s a good game, as you play together against the game!

I you like the Arkham boardgame, WOC of the coast got out a couple of boardgame that, I believe are a bit similar: Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon.
I played Ravenloft in the State and bought myself Ashardalon when I moved back to Europe and the rules are pretty much the same. Quite similar to D&D 4 and a boardgame with a roleplaying feel to it… I like them quite a bit…

I also love “Illuminatis” by Steve Jackson.

Also, there is a couple of (unfortunately a bit expansive) games from Fantasy Flight Games: Twilight Imperium and Runewars.
They are both epic strategy games, one a Space Opera, the other fantasy. Both are fun, although I do prefer Runewars personally…

Finally, I played a bit of “Smallworld” it is fun and quick but gets a bit old in my taste…

I play the Ravenloft board game, and I kinda felt that I could exploit the game too much. Having the monsters move by tiles, and the players by squares was not a good idea IMHO.

I’m interested in Twilight Imperium and Runewars, but as far I can tell, they both need a lot of preparation, even more than Android ^^.

Settlers of Catan is the only boardgame I’m playing now, mostly because it is so addicting!

I play Settlers every opportunity I get. If anyone is hosing a game in English and has one more spot, feel free to invite me :wink:

Yesterday, I noticed a ‘Star Trek Catan’ at Planet Harry… I wonder what that entails…

Also, other games that I thought about while there:

  • Tannhäuser which is had the opportunity to try last year and was a lot of fun.
  • Fiefs, which is an old French boardgame that I played the crap out of while growing up. They apparently made an English translation of the rules…
  • Risk Evolution: I heard recently about this twist on the classic (the other boardgame that dominated my childhood) and found the whole concept intriguing…

Man, so many games, so little time…

From time to time:
Return Of The Heroes

[quote=“Thopthes”]From time to time:
Return Of The Heroes

Are you familiar with Tomb ?
It’s a bit similar to Talisman. About half way between Talisman and the D&D boardgames…

Are you familiar with Tomb ?
It’s a bit similar to Talisman. About half way between Talisman and the D&D boardgames…[/quote]
I’ve never played Tomb but it sounds interesting, especially the description on BoardGameGeeks

Board Game Geek is an amazing site. I love all the advanced searching and stuff. I was looking for a good two player boardgame (for me and Ally) and found tons.

Philipp, if you read this I’m pretty sure the 2 player LOTR boardgame you were talking about was LOTR The Duel right? … s-the-duel

In deed it is, although by looking at it I have no recollection how it is played. An ex of mine had it and we played it quite often, but that was quite some time ago.

It’s an older game series, but I absolutely loved Eurorails.

I am going to have to sit out the LAN party, but given the interest in board games in this thread, is anyone up for a board game party? And the embarassing addon – we can’t host, we have a tiny studio and not even a table. But maybe if we are very nice they will let us play at Fantasy Flagship?

I also can’t host, would need a much bigger table and chairs. But if nobody would host we could still try Brot & Spiele, it’s a pub more or less dedicated to board games. I haven’t tried it out yet but I’d like to :wink:.

Sounds like a good idea…

Let’s let the LAN party happen and see how it goes? In the meantime, what boardgames do we already own?

At the moment, none, but I can have Eurorails sent from my US stash and given everything I have heard about Arkham Horror, I might be willing to invest in a set.

A board game pub sounds like a blast!

Cafe Benno (right next to Alser Strasse ubahn) is also a great board-game pub. It’s the only one I’ve been to (I have to admit, I didn’t expect there to be more!) tons and tons of games that you’re free to help yourself to.

[quote=“Siobhan”]Let’s let the LAN party happen and see how it goes? In the meantime, what boardgames do we already own?

At the moment, none, but I can have Eurorails sent from my US stash and given everything I have heard about Arkham Horror, I might be willing to invest in a set.

A board game pub sounds like a blast![/quote]

Hrmm… My “wrath of Ashardalon” boardgame is still in France, as does my illuminatis, although, it was a French version, so, while playable for non-French speaker, a big part of the humor would be lost…

There was a couple of games I noticed at Planet Harry the other days. I guess, in a pinch, I could stop there and acquire one, presumably ‘Fief’. It’s on my ‘to buy soonish’ list, anyway…