A fun little system based on Kids on bikes where you play classic action heroes doing ridiculous things. Want to jump off a helicopter to decapitate a guy with a katana? Want to catch a bullet with your teeth and swallow it? Your die level up when they explode, so eventually, you will.
This system is absolutely horrible and unbalanced, and that is the point. I hope you will decide to blow up with me in two weeks time. I will share more details in person!
Absolutely not. But if you want to do me a favor, then you can think of your Action movie character that would be up for one last heist in New York City.
Cliche’s and over the topness are very welcome.
In terms of the “character stats” we will do that at the table as it is really simple
I won’t be there, just wanted to answer the question.
No need to worry about reservations, usually (at least for the Value games) we simply use the room in the back. Whichever table happens to be empty (on Fridays that is usually all of them).
If you have never been there: The entrance is through a door at street-level in the Holochergasse, as the rooms are in the basement.
Everyone. I have sadly fallen sick and while I might recover by Friday for the value games, I will definitely not recover today. Sorry and have a great thursday eve