Any intrest in learning pathfinder 2e?

I have been trying to learn pathfinder 2e in recent times and want to try and get some games in to get comfortable with the system. I invite anyone interested in learning it along side me to play the beginner box module. i would most likely run it at one of the value evenings unless the people playing prefer a different time.
table size ~ 4 or 5 people.

resources for people interested in reading to create their own characters rather than use the pregens that come with the beginner box

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i can also recommend pathbuilder (android app or via their website) for character creation :slight_smile:

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Hey Blueblaze!

PF2e is my go to system since it went into playtest and it keeps getting better with every addition and update they are making! Paizo knocked it out of the park with the remaster!

And it is very refreshing playing a system RAW and it all just works like a well oiled machine!

If you have any questions about the game, it’s rules etc. feel free to ask me. I am a forever GM so I have gotten very familiar with it over the years. I’d be always down to run a beginner box or other small game if you wanna be in the player seat while learning as well.


so far i have just been using paper and or foundry so will check it out

thank you for the offer i think for now i would prefer to run it since i will be running it for friends later, but would definitely be a boon if i could ask questions to someone more experienced than i. if you want to join as a player let me know, hang up that forever gm hat for the evening

Hi, ttrpg newbie here. I was curious about pathfinder for a while since my friend DMed it in the past but our schedules never aligned. I would be very keen to try out now, I unfortunately not able to join Friday VALUE games because of uni, but if you do a game on Saturday or Sunday please let me know.

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i am willing to run it on a day other than friday, it was just an initial point of ease for me, if i get people intrested in playing at a specific time or day i can be flexible.

Sounds awesome, looking forward to whatevr happens here​:grin::grin:

I’d definitely be interested in trying it out!

Heyo, I have already played about 6 games of PF2e and can bring my character. Would be up for the “old but different” feel that PF provides, especially with a new DM.

Hiya, I am an oldie from PF1 and with the 2024 5e stuff coming out I decided to instead pick up all the “Core” books of PF2e remastered. So far - loving pretty much every single detail of it!

One still very familiar thing is the old Golarion and the very fleshed out core setting with PF. Can’t wait to explore the rich lore of Tian Xia, Garund & Vudra as well, not just Avistan!

In that sense, I’d be running PFS scenarios for low levels at VALUE Fridays, minus the PFS credit part at least in the beginning, starting 27.09. This would be to get into the ruleset & to build some confidence for further homebrew/home campaigns with the system. Looking forward to seeing you there if you’re interested in playing!