Another introduction from another new guy🙃

Hey there!
I only played dnd with friends once and that turned out to be kind of a clusterf***…:sweat_smile:. Nevertheless it was a lot of fun so i kinda wanna do it again!
The friends i played with arent that motivated so i looked up “dnd vienna” and there i am🥳

Soo… all in all im a newbie with little experience who looks for occations to gather said missing experience😁

M, 20, if anyone cares🙃

Hi there as mentioned in other threads you should check out the AL friday games at cafe 1070 (announce yourself in the thread pls). I havent counted heads yet but i thinl there should be room. Be there early i you need help creating a character or do it at home if you have he things you need. If you are interested check out the thursday games at spielbar. There is more variance there (cthulu game tonight for example). All you need for AL is a pencil everything else (character/log sheet, dice set mini, notepad) is optional. To be honest even the pencil :sunglasses:

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Alright! Thanks a ton!
Ill be sure to do that soon😁