American Politics in Action! (aka, burgers!)

Hey everyone, I am working a Democrats Abroad event on Sunday. It occurred to me to let y’all know, even if you are non-USian or non-Democrat. Because, you know, FOOD.

Here’s the text of the flyer. Imagine it superimposed on a US flag with a nice :

Democrats Abroad Austria
invites you to celebrate
Independence Day!

Join us for an afternoon of good company and
good food!

American food (burgers, hotdogs, etc.), old friends
and new… an afternoon for you and your family to
celebrate the 4th of July with other Democrats

Date: Sunday, July 8th (rain or shine!!!)
Time: 14:00 to 20:00
Place: Herrmann Strandbar, Herrmannpark 0,
1030 Vienna

Celebrate the 4th … on the 8th? I’m all over that!

Thanks for the invite. Sounds fun! Mind if I bring the family along?

I don’t mind one bit! Just so you are not hit with a surprise, I just found out while this event is ostensibly free, there is a “recommended donation” of 5E. Feel free to pay or not, but I didn’t want it to be a smack.

Well, if that 5€ includes food, that’s still a pretty good deal…

Happy 4th!

Sounds pretty cool, actually.

Unless I am at work, I will try to make it…

It sounds interesting, but I find no mention of that event on the Hermann Strandbar website…

And it’s not on the DAA Austria website, either. And they didn’t send out an email blast about it (I’m on their mailing list). Coming from a non-profit background, I find that this group is not… hmmmm… as savvy about promoting things as they might be. (that is Siobhan at max tactfulness and understatement, in case you were wondering).

Well, you guys missed some good burgers … and some great marshmallows.

I’m glad you found it… I didn’t!!!

Ouch, sorry to hear that. I’d have sent out a search party had I known…