A tournament?

See? That’s why I have to be obscure: some of you are just far too cunning!

(And just to drive Simon et al. up the wall: Tonight’s soundtrack will be provided by The Knack.)

Good luck tonight, everybody!

thank you again for running this
it was a lot of fun

and good luck to AmLash, Tam & Simon : )

It was really awesome! Thanks again -H-!

It was great fun playing with you guys and the DMing was flawless! Thanks -H-! I am definitely looking forward to playing again with you all.

PS: btw, who won? :slight_smile:

one group (AmLash, Simon, Tam) still has to play 15+min or so

so it is to early for results yet

yeah, that was really fun! :smiley:

Also, I wouldn’t mind continuing this adventure with a “combined group”.
Perhaps after the remaining team has finsihed their ~15 minutes (they could come earlier?), we could check out the results, and winning team gets to pick whether to keep their chars or to pick new ones (that -H- would have to prepare in advance though?), and everyone else gets new chars or one of the unpicked old ones and we finish the dungeon with a bigger group?

We’ve talked about that idea last time and ofc I’d be in but I think it’s going to be difficult to play as one group. Not only because that means like 3x3 players (ofc depending on who wants to continue) but also because each group has seen different parts of the dungeon and probably also ended up in another corner of it, when the time ran out / will be running out. In addition IIRC the reason for the 3 player limit per group was that there only were 3 pregens. I wouldn’t mind continuing with people playing the same class though.

Thanks for all the kind words! I’m not so sure about the flawless DMing, but I did have a blast. Very well played, everyone!

Many more thoughts on the tournament when I have a spare moment - just wanted to say that once the remaining group has finished, I’d be happy to run the rest of the scenario for anyone who would like to keep exploring Lost Tamoachan. This week or some other time if there are other plans, new characters or old, just let me know…

Hey guys! Wow, I thought the first group also didn’t finish - so it was really just us? I had a lot of fun, looking forward to finish our adventure and would love to continue the story if there’s more :slight_smile:

Are we finishing this Thursday then?

I did listen in a bit, and got the impression that it was not so wildly different that it couldn’t be reconciled when a “big party” is formed from the three smaller “strike teams” we were before.

Identical equipment / same classes would be more of a stretch of believability, granted, but -H- sounds as if he was okay with creating some new chars as well… I’m still in favor of “winning team gets first pick of characters”, the others have to do with the leftovers :smiley:

the other groups finished their time, but none got out of the dungeon I believe. I think the Alrik-Darthbinks-Thopthes group got the farthest, and the Auburney-GJ-Podro group made the least progress. But we’re all probably within a handfull rooms/corridors from each other…

@Winning team gets first pick:
If H actually creates new charcters that’d be awesome. But I’d also be ok with people playing the same classes. You can always find an explanation for that. E.g. different versions of the characters from alternate realities getting thrown into just one reality by a chaotic deity. I don’t think that’s more far fetched than undead vampire mummies.:smiley:

yaaaaaaaaaaaaay WE WON!!!

high-five-ing Alrik & Thopthes

Yay we won :laughing: Thanks to everyone for this great experience. We’ll have to do that again in 2014!!

yummy…a bottle of victory :smiley:
I wanna thank the academy (of fighters), my teammates and my dice… :ugeek:

Just kidding. It was really cool, thanks again H!

Oh and for the undead vampire zombie: Take that!

Congrats to the winners! We completely missed the undead vampire zombie, apparantly. That’d be a fun encounter.

That being said, -H-, seems it’s my loss. What’s the penalty?

Congrats again to the winners! Truly well played!

It really was very, very close, much closer than I expected. It took a whirlwind effort at the end to catch the other groups, and nearly ended in disaster several times.

Others have already mentioned their wish to take revenge next year…

Thanks again to everyone who took on the challenge. Your enthusiasm really did turn this module into a real event!

I’ll probably just spend the next year or so randomly inserting Colombia into our conversations…

Others have already mentioned their wish to take revenge next year…[/quote]
Quick footnote: A couple of you mentioned wanting to play in the same teams should we ever do this again. I think this is a fine idea, but upon reflection, that might not always be possible, since it might be necessary to vary the size of the parties might vary depending on scenario and number of people participating.

Anyway, we’ll see. Just wanted to allow for the pssibility of a reshuffle.

I know I’m a bit late to the…party! (ba-dum tish!) but I heard great things about this tournament, well done to everyone who took part it’d sounded like a great time!

Could anyone give those who didn’t attend (ahem!) a few more details of what went on?