11 ways to be a better roleplayer

I found this to be an interesting read…

Interesting read indeed. Thanks for the link!

awesome read dude XD

It is an interesting read.

As far as I am concerned, the one rule is as follow:
"Tabletop roleplaying is a social endeavour, that’s what makes it so much fun, so the main rule of roleplaying is that of all other social endeavour: don’t be a dick.
Instead, bew considerate of other players, including the game master and insure a good social experience.
As a DM, don’t be a dick by forcing the players to play “your game” instead listen to their feedback and try to adapt your game to what they like best.
As players, don’t be a dick by ignoring the obvious plot hooks or trying to derail the story, instead, be respectful of the work the DM put in the story and of the wish the other plauers may have to follow a story and have a game.
Don’t be a dick by hogging the spotlight a.d taking all the decisions, instead, step back and be considerate of the other player ls by letting them contribute.
Don’t force the players into themes and situations they are not comfortable with. Don’t powergame unless the whole table agrees. As aDM don’t try to kill your PCs and especially don’t aim for a TPK, it can happen, if course, by accident, but it should not be something you shoot for…

And many other example like this but, as a rule, try to always be considerate of the players and their feelings…

Wow! This is great, thanx! (Now all that’s left to do is find an excuse to leave work earlier today :wink: )

See you in a couple of hours :slight_smile:

See you (at Stiegl Ambulanz, now I am worried of people going to the wrong place…)

Oops, thanx, would NOT have remembered that! :slight_smile: I just reminded Gerd & Tom, don’t have Rob’s number but asked 1 of them to do it so no worries :slight_smile:

Very good article, thank you for posting it!

And I guess you meant
“Tabletop roleplaying is a social endeavour, that’s what makes it so much fun, so the main rule of roleplaying is that of all other social endeavour: don’t be a dick.”

Yep, yep

“don’t be a dick” this times a million.

[quote=“Simon”]Don’t try to derail the story,
Don’t be a dick by hogging the spotlight and taking all the decisions.

Don’t force the players into themes and situations they are not comfortable with.

Don’t powergame unless the whole table agrees.[/quote]

Wow, I’d hate to play with someone like this… :neutral_face: