V.A.L.U.E Friday - If you don't mind(flayer)

Thanks for the adventure :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the great session.

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Thanks for another Brancalonian venture @Col_Mustard_Ret @mber @jboimler @Takanari @Tea007 that brief sojourn to the threshold of the afterlife was - “See Acquaviva and Die!”

If you wish to sell off the things you picked up along the way - the cauldrons, Cat Castle cheeses, honey-filled spheres and the like you net a mere 25gp each. Rougher does find the information about the Ducal inheritance valuable enough that he stops bothering you about eating his food and drinking his bad wine for a while.

After briefly wearing the Mantle of Snakes, you must return it to Gerapida.

New Downtime Activities for Skullport:

Note: you can do only ONE each

:frog: “Frogging Assassin” (@Arthilas, @BufoBufo @DutchyGio, @PatrickD)
Prerequisite: being proficient in Investigation.
You try to find out, who hired the Slaad assassin.
Cost: 5 Downtime Days & 50gp

:dotted_line_face: “Lore of the Void” for Arduria (@Arthilas)
You learn more about AEONs. Also you will gain a Story Award, that you will be considered trained in Religion regarding knowledge about them.
Cost: 5 Downtime Days & 100gp

:snake: “Snakes On This Plane” for Bok (@DutchyGio)
The snake-being you have freed seems to have settled down in Skullport.
Maybe you wanna have a look, what it has been up to?
Cost: 5 Downtime Days

:smile_cat: “A F(r)iendly Riddle” for Sirius (@BufoBufo)
The cat-demon you freed, send you a riddle, that would send you down to an ancient tomb filled with even more riddles, deep in the Underdark … with a promise of a prize.
Cost: 5 Downtime Days

:closed_lock_with_key: “Tower of the Seven Woes” for Dr. Goosejet (@PatrickD)
Since the Xanathar’s Guild is now more than distracted, you spend time to free your mentor out of the prison tower, run by the clergy of Loviatar, the goddess of suffering.
Cost: 3 Downtime Days & 150gp

edit: please tell me in advance, should you wanna do one of those Downtime Activities, since some of them need a bit of prep. - thanks :slight_smile:

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