The V.A.L.U.E. of Torches

Is it finally time to witness Liberty City blow up?! I can’t miss that! :bomb:

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Tardus will begin cordoning off all of Liberty City with yellow police tape to prepare for the explosion…

(I will be there!)

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If there are any more spaces for Shadowdark, I’d be keen!

Okay so, I’d love to join you guys in Friday and I’m eager to try the Shadowdark system - never tried this before, so I’d appreciate support with character creation.

Anything to bring except dice? :upside_down_face:

Would love to join alaadu! T2 edit: just saw the post, ill still be there T1/T2

Hi, would be happy to join @Darthbinks Shadowdark - but seems quiet full. Will take another place as well T1-3

paper and something to write

btw. Shadowdark is more than full … unless someone drops out

(won’t take > 6 players; and 5 would be ideal)

Me and @polina will be joining with T2-T4s, but i see that there is not enough dms to fit 6 player(us and other included). Is there anyone who would be willing to sacrifice himself to the dm service?

Could you dm? We are rather short on DMs right now

In an emergency I could dm something but I would prefer to play shadowdark

@Alaadu … only 3 of your ‘pinged’ :rotating_light: players said that they will show up?
could you take more players?

does one of the others want to DM? You are actually big enough to form your own group …

edit: @BerndiSterndi perhaps?

I am quite sure, all will show up! I think some just missed to also mark it in this thread. We organized in another thread.

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I’ll join the other location instead, you can take me off the list - thank you!

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@Darthbinks Yes, the others also joining:) thanks :pray:t3:

@Darthbinks @BufoBufo I can DM but has been ages and I will most likely show up 10-20min late

So I guess I’ll volunteer


If you don’t want to I can dm as well. Then we are also more balanced playerwise

thanks :slight_smile:

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@MixUpPixels @snnTV @Tequila_Sunset @polina

BerndiSterndi (thanks again) will dm for you
(will be a bit late 10-20min)


Thank you!


Ive had a last minute change of plans so unfortunately I’ll have to sit out todays session. Have fun guys