The V.A.L.U.E. of Rodents

Assuming Tiero is coming, I just need one more player for the T4 game (but could take up to 5 or even 6 players total) :slight_smile:

Looking forward to joining the Candle adventure at T2 again :slight_smile:

Hey, a friend and I would like to join a t1 table if there’s place :slight_smile:

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DMs (6):
ThatGuyTed T2 :rat:
Semako T4 :skull_and_crossbones:
Unsniped T2 :mantelpiece_clock:
KKevin T1 :game_die:
Fridi T1
Darthbinks T2

Potential DMs (0):

Players (27):
joeder T2 :rat:
Elenaaa T2 :rat:
PlayerofDom T2 :rat:
stardewchicken T2 :rat:

Stracci T4 :skull_and_crossbones:
Jackfruitchilli T4 :skull_and_crossbones:
Tiero T4 :skull_and_crossbones:

loghorn T2 :mantelpiece_clock:
Xerdor T2 :mantelpiece_clock:

Dusan +1 T1 :game_die:
CloudVII T1 :game_die:

Bachmut T1/T2
Xyathn T1/T2
ladydoomdaddy T1
Tea007 T1/T2
potatoes T1/T2
fleischlaberl T1/T2 (prefers T2)
mane T1/T2/T3
PedroAA T1/T2
paulie17 T1
webwave T1/T2
Dahla T2
Diolin T1/T2
simon1 T1/T2
Eshtesht T1/T2
orestotel T1/T2

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ill be there with t1-3 characters :slight_smile:

Would love to join @Arthilas 's t4 insanity!
If there are not enough players id very much love to join @ThatGuyTed - you got me at “rat themed” :heart_eyes: :rat: :rat: :rat:

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Since I am not sure if I will get another T4 player for my game with most of those I know that have T4 characters DMing or playing on other tables, I would allow you to level up your T3 character to level 17 and join my table :slight_smile:

I’m a brand new guy here, so I’ll bring brand new T1 for @KKevin dmming , and T2 characters for the “The siege🐀” if there is any place left

Hi! I’m new to the group, I’ll be joining for the first time on Friday with a T1 character

I’d love to join with a T1 or T2 character.
Looking forward to it!

I‘d love to continue playing with rats, but otherwise I‘ll play any tier or DM something


how would this work? gain 4 levels just for this game and substract them afterwards again?

I intend to continue the game of @Unsniped :mantelpiece_clock:

I’d like to Join the adventure of @KKevin with a newborn T1 Character!

I plan to come and bring a T2 character.

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Hey there ^^

If possible I’d also like to join one of the tables.
Either a T1 or T2 would be fine, I’ll just prepare both just in case.

I’d love to join a game tomorrow,
I have a T1 and a T2 character i could play
If someone could bring an empty character sheet for me that’d be great cause my printer does not like me.
it’s my first time playing here but i play a lot of dnd so i know the rules (the 5e ones anyway)
I’ll have my character prepared on dnd beyond so i can just fill out the sheet real quick
looking forward to the game :slight_smile:


there should be plenty of character sheets available in the folders in the back (last time I was there Ted and I both left quite a few)

I think I’ll come👀

you wanna dm a game? :slight_smile: