The V.A.L.U.E of Forum changes!

hey what is the address again?

Holochergasse 53, 1150 Vienna

@katnyx @PatrickD @Tersidian

was superfunny :rofl:
thanks for playing :tada:

aside from one level up, 10 Downtime Days, and 160gp, you gain:

Homebrew Story Award

:brain: Wooden Replica Brain (@katnyx)
You realized, that years ago a wizard stole your brain and exchanged it with a wooden replica. The wizard used magic to make you forget, but events in the dungeon ended this effect and revealed the truth to you. As long as you have only the wooden replica brain:

  • You have disadvantage on Arcana, History, Nature and Religion checks.
  • You have advantage on Intelligence-saving throws.

Should you manage to get your brain back, you would loose this Homebrew Story Award, to gain a (beneficial) new one instead.

keep in mind that these :point_up: Homebrew Story Awards only work at my tables


Thanks for an awesome and fun game :slight_smile:


@noxous @Martin +1 @Col_Mustard_Ret

Alas a bit late, but still it is here! :partying_face:

You successfully retrieved Nomarsh’s daughter from the claws of the evil artificer Genbalar, whom you’ve turned…into a toilet plunger and left at the local tavern. :plunger: :toilet:

You each recieve:

A Questionable Plunge

(stats & the rest of the homebrew will follow once I return home)

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@jboimler @Alaadu @MarkusW @Dimitrios

Thank you for the fun session. Let’s see if we’ll continue that little story arc we’ve created somehow.

For your work in stabilizing the situation around Bloomhaven by calming the enraged Dryad and then destroying Bloomhaven itself you gain 1800 gp as a group → 450 gp each.

In addition to the gold each of you may also choose one of these items.

The lantern which was used to house the dryads anger, which turned out to be a Ghost Lantern.
A set of ivory goat figurines given to you by the people of Bloomhaven (before the dam was destroyed)
→ Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ivory Goats)

In addition to these things all of you also gain the story award:
A price on our heads:
You and your group are being blamed for the destruction of Bloomhaven and (as a direct consequence) the disruption to the food supplies to Talos. As the city is still required to deliver food to the New Rat-Public this might have consequences…
(–> There might be a bounty hunter adventure in the future)

@Alaadu also gains:
Pricey Paper Profits:
You introduced a new form of currency into the lands around Talos and the New Rat-Public. For now it nobody seems to realize that they have no intrinsic value whatsoever but that may change depending on how much more you use it. Every time you use your new currency roll another check using your forgery tools (DC determined by the DM → depends on the amount of money).
On a fail the bounty on the mysterious money forger increases by 1d20 times 100 gp (inviting more professional bounty hunters to give chase) and the difficulty for bouty hunters to track you down decreases a bit.

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Thank you for the awesome session @ThatGuyTed :raised_hands:t4::grin:

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