The V.A.L.U.E. of April Showers

Salutations, would love to join tomorrow. Truecrawl’s description caught my fancy - combat and exploration, count me in, should I be had that is. Alternatively, I would be glad to join any table of any tier, as per usual.

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Sorry, I remember reading it somewhere!

Sorry for the late reply, this week has been more hectic than usual. Looking at the player to dm ratio, it looks decent this week, so I think I might just crash @xaosseed’s table. If there’s a last minute rush, then I can pull something out. Also, thanks to @Atanen for jumping in and making a list for us.


Would a Kobold be accepted in Brancalonia setting?

Mr Atanen taking charge :DDD


Not the first time if it has to be done. :man_shrugging:t2: I’m used to be a sort of last resort

Yep, lots of the smaller species around

I would love to join @truecrawl s table. Is a Level 6 character ok or should I create a new one?

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iBug has a T2 char. too, so I guess it should be OK, but it´s never too bad to have backups (so making another T1 char. wouldn´t be a bad idea) :man_shrugging:t2:

A friend from work will join as a first timer as well. Is it ok if he joins your table @xaosseed?

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Should be fine, bring them along!

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Sorry, have to cancel this week, again. Hectic week indeed. Apologies…

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Then i will join your table with friend of mine. Can i bring level 5 character or is it strictly T1?

Hey guys! I would love to also come to the event today (hopefully I’m not signing up too late) I’ve been playing dnd for for a couple of years so I’ll come with a ready character sheet and dice. I’m not sure if I should put my name down anywhere else because the rules said something about an attendance list so if someone could help that would be awesome :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Also I’ll be making a T1 character and coming as a player

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It will surely work out somehow, I wrote you on the list!

Just posting in this thread is enough. Usually, someone tracks the sign-ups in a list so that we can easily see how many players and DMs signed up for what level/ier, for today it is @Atanen who does it.

You can find today’s list here: The V.A.L.U.E. of April Showers - #19 by Atanen


You can join my table with your lvl6 character. Or you bring another character of lower levels. Both is fine, I will adjust accordingly. And yes, you are welcome to adventure in the Mudlands with the others :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile:

I can make L5 work