Friday V.A.L.U.E

I’ll be there with T1-3.

Hi all! First timer here. I would like to join if there is any space left (T1).


The +1 I announced won’t make it today, unfortunately. I likely will still come, hoping to play T2 or higher.

sadly my +1 canceled for today, i hope it doesnt mix up whats planed. i, myself will still be there.

:game_die: :black_joker: :slot_machine:

thanks for heisting a casino in
The Stygian Gambit

The gambling tournament was won by the drow Lady Shyntlara Auvyndar, second price went to the drow Jarlaxle Baenre. Other participants were not resistant to the poison of your cookies :woman_cook: .

  • everyone: either a Stone of Good Luck (uncommon) or a Charlatan’s Die (common)
  • Arken (@Martin) gains 80gp plus 40 gambling chips he can use in the Afterlife Casino. Also since he learned how to loose money fast, the Afterlife Gambling Downtime Activity costs only half the Downtime for him.
  • Bok (@DutchyGio) gains 100gp as well as +2 Reputation in the Reforged Ring faction, since you successfully probed the deeper thoughts of Quentin Togglepocked thus, thanks to your earworm, (involuntarily) managed to let an important member of the faction win the tournament.
  • Richard (@ThatGuyTed) gains 100gp plus 20 gambling chips he can use in the Afterlife Casino.
  • Sirius (@BufoBufo) gains 150gp
  • Walter (@jboimler) gains 100gp plus 20 gambling chips he can use in the Afterlife Casino, as well as +2 Reputation in the Bregan D’aerthe faction, who are now starting to look into this so called “Rag Mage Legend”.

Homebrew Story Award for Sirius (@BufoBufo)
:black_joker: The Curse of the Losing Streak

At any point during a game, you can spend this Story Award to choose a humanoid, who is currently gambling. The target will lose as much as possible in that game, followed by trying to win their losses back only to lose even more. The curse will end at dawn.
This curse does neither require line of sight, nor an action. You even can use this Story Award against a humanoid your character does not even know.
Note: You will not be able to use this curse, if a player character is involved in that game.
Note: You cannot use this curse against Quentin Togglepocket and his employees however since he made an offering to your goddess Beshaba .

New Downtime Activity:

Downtime Activity for Arken (@Martin), Bok (@DutchyGio), Richard (@ThatGuyTed), and Walter (@jboimler)
Cost: 2 Downtime Days (only 1 Downtime Day for Arken (@Martin)
:slot_machine: Afterlife Gambling

You may spend gp to gain gambling chips to have the chance to win prizes at the Afterlife Casino
note: non-consumeable magic items gained this way are awarded instead of the magic item awarded for that session

P.S.: Bok (@DutchyGio) now qualifies for the “Training Montage” Downtime activity from the Reforged Ring faction

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