D&D 5E: DM looking for 2-4 players CLOSED


I’m Alissa (she/her), 26 years old and still terrible at German after living here for 7 years! What skill I did practice on the other hand is DMing, so much more useful than the language of the country you live in. I’m looking for a couple more players to join a campaign I’ve been wanting to start for ages.

Campaign: Curse of Strahd but with modifications and twists to the story - see fancy invite :smiley:
When: starting second half of April/early May with session 0
Frequency: Once a month on a weekend day, doodle based (aimed at 6 hours session, excluding breaks). 12-15 sessions to get through the story, but we know how d&d goes, …
Atmosphere: see fancy invite! But know I am a DM who will focus on the roleplay aspect more than the combat.
Expectations: Mostly, see fancy invite! But what I will mention here is that it will be a LGBTQI+ friendly table!

What now?
If you’re interested, write here or dm me! I’d like to chat a little, see if we align, potentially meet up once as well. We’ll for sure have a session 0 once the entire group has been made to see if we all mesh well :slight_smile:

Fancy looking invite:
BaroviasTemptation.pdf (541.0 KB)


i would be interested in playing in your campaign.
2 Questions:
1: In what Language will the Campaign be?
2: Do you want to play in Person or Online?

btw: LOVE that Invite :smiley:

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Sounds really interesting, especially the darker and more serious Theme.
I only played and DMed homebrewed Campaigns so far and would love to play a pre written Story for once!

Oh and im Marco, also 26 Years old btw :slight_smile:

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  1. English
  2. In person

Would that still make it interesting? :slight_smile:

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Even more so :smiley:

btw since everyones saying it im Peter and 27 years old

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Hey I would be interested in playing as well. Nice work on the invitation btw
Is this ok for first timers in DND?

Danke :slight_smile:

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Hey! First timers is totally fine :slight_smile:

I would love to join as well, if you are still taking players.

(24, he/him)

are you still looking for people, i would be very interested!

Hi! I would also love to play in a longer game! I would be really interested in playin too!!

Hi Alissa,
I would love to join your campaign.

A little bit about me

  • My name is Angelo and I’m 21 years old

  • I have DMed a homebrew campaign for about 2 years now and have not been a player yet so it would be quite a change for me and would love to see a D&D story play out from a player’s perspective

  • I have only hosted online, so in person will be completely new to me

  • When DMing I work together a lot with my players, so I won’t have a problem at all with working together in a group. Also as a DM myself, I won’t take the shine away from others so no worries about that.


  • If you would like to invite me, I’d just like to ask if you’d like to have physical dice being used or if you are okay with some players using D&D beyond as an aid for rolling. I will be completely fine with both, would just like to ask as I’ve never physically rolled :slight_smile:


Would be tremendously honored if I could join. Kind of a new player here, I know how to play since I am already in a campaign (Homebrew, ~10 people, going on for 3-4 months now), but I am still getting used to it somewhat, not knowing the meta of minmaxing and everything; So I just focus mostly on making everything based on what I’d enjoy to see on a character and not what’s strongest, which seems to align with your… fancy looking invitation. :eyes:

Goals for me is to obviously play D&D since I am loving the game so far, but also to potentially make some friends since god knows I could use some more English-speaking friends here in Vienna.

Since everyone’s doing it, name’s Ilija, Male, 21 years old.

DM me for a deeper discussion, if interested :relieved:

EDIT: Oh, and if needed, here’s my Discord for more convenient communication:
_ Scorpion _#1917 (The underscores are connected with the name, trying not to make it Italic in BBCode :woozy_face:)

Hey Alissa,

I am an active DM looking to join a table as a player, I am looking for roleplay heavy groups as well and I enjoy building thematic but efficient characters - primarily wizards and paladins.

The frequency works good for me as it’s the same tempo for my own group - hope this all checks out.

For the personal Intro: I am an agile coach in my 30s, play a lot of warhammer and I have made so many cool builds for my PCs that I want to finally try some.


PS: my discord tag is Noxous#7944