Lancer test session

I believe in learning by doing anyway :slight_smile:

If you have the time to make your own character and skim through we should be good to go

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will do :+1: do you have a starting point for character creation, like a shared background or teaser for the mission? is a pilot assumed to be military-ish or can it be a private/personal thing? on a scale from goofy to serious, where should a character be (or not be)?

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I’ll send everyone a DM once my ideas are clearer. In general, as long as your character is fine to work with a team, at least for a common goal, we can make it work

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Is there still room for one more?

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We are at 4 right now in the event. Mark yourself as coming and welcome!

Unfortunately i just got scheduled for work travel leaving on the 13th, and will have to cancel :frowning:

bad luck!

Thank you all that managed to come (@DerHimbeerkuchen @MoritzRoosen @Aviron @BenjiBananas) for playing and for the much appreciated feedback. Looking forward to next time!